Recruitment Rundown

COVID-19 proved to have a massive impact on recruiters, resulting in a wave of new techniques and approaches for enlisting talent. As our society continues fighting to regain a sense of normalcy, it’s important to recognize some of the recruitment trends we are likely to see as we progress further. Attracting and securing new talent is an incredibly valuable piece of your business’s success. 

Remote work is the new reality 

Remote work is one of the major adjustments that was made in response to the pandemic. When properly implemented, remote work operations can be beneficial to a business. Maintaining awareness around today’s health hazards is essential to creating a safer work environment. Many employees and candidates would prefer to work from home full time or part time. Incorporating remote work and allowing flexibility is something employees and candidates are looking for in a job. 

Utilizing a virtual recruitment strategy is smart business

In response to the health hazards of the pandemic many recruiters began relying on virtual recruitment. Using programs such as Zoom, Skype, Microsoft teams, and other video. Conferring software to conduct interviews became crucial during the COVID-19 crisis. But one thing for sure is that virtual hiring isn’t going anywhere. In fact, utilizing some form of virtual recruitment is likely to become the new standard. Many recruiters plan to continue holding virtual interviews in their search for top talent as it is both time and cost effective. It is important that recruiters familiarize themselves with the software necessary for virtual recruitment if they haven’t already.

Emphasize diversity and inclusivity

Diversity and inclusion is another area that businesses will continue to focus on. While the crisis following the pandemic led to many tragedies, it is not the only adversary the world is facing. Racial injustice and discrimination continue to be prevalent issues in our society that influence our daily lives. It is important recruiters are able to recognize this when searching for talent. Evidence suggests diverse and inclusive businesses are statistically more productive and profitable. In addition, candidates are more than ever considering diversity and inclusivity as a deciding factor when considering a job

Candidate experience is essential

The pandemic has furthered the need for a positive experience that prioritizes the health and well-being of employees. Businesses that create an effective work-life balance encourages employees to continue working at their business. This sentiment holds true for the candidate’s experience as well. Candidates are drawn to sites that make searching for and applying to a job quick, easy, and straight-forward. This is why it’s important to ensure your site is optimized in these ways to prevent losing potential candidates to competitors who make the process easy.

Need assistance overcoming the recruitment issues and problems faced in 2021? ChartLocal is here to help your business hone your brand identity and digital presence so you can attract the qualified talent you need. Call us today at 888-254-0609  to learn more about how we can  target your ideal candidates with a custom-crafted strategy leveraging tools like SEM (Search Engine Marketing), OTT, targeted display advertising, retargeting, geofencing, and more.